Home > C++ > Printing numbers in binary format in C++

Printing numbers in binary format in C++

The problem

You want to display or output a number in binary format. Iostream only has output manipulators for decimal, hexadecimal and octal.

The bad solution

People usually write a loop to do this that iterates over each bit in the integer:

int v = 0x12345678;
for (int i = 31; i >= 0; i--)
    std::cout << ((v >> i) & 1);

There are many ways to do this; the loop above shifts the bit to print into the least significant bit (bit 0) of a temporary and ANDs it with 1 to remove all the other (higher order) bits and leave a 0 or 1. It starts with the most significant bit (31) and iterates down to the least significant bit (0), ensuring that the bits are printed in the correct order.

The good solution

While a looping solution still has applicability in some other languages, there is a much more elegant way to do it in C++ that is often overlooked:

int v = 0x12345678;
std::cout << std::bitset<32>(v);

The C++ standard library includes a container type bitset whose first non-type template parameter specifies the number of bits to store. It includes an overload for operator<< and a conversion constructor for ints, making printing binary numbers a piece of cake! This is a much preferred solution to the messy for loop construct above.

To use bitset, remember to add:

#include <bitset>

at the top of your code.

Good luck!

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  1. Jozsef Nyulas
    November 8, 2021 at 11:00

    it’s a good explanation. just to let you know the bitset examplet is okay, but the syntax at the
    int v = 0x12345678;
    std::cout << std::bitset(v); is the other way around, cout << bitset(32); 😀 took me a while to figure out why wasn’t working for me.

  2. January 27, 2020 at 22:50

    not using data words, unsign or format string.

    int getValuePNTR(const char* memory, int &start, int size)
    DWORD retVal = 0;

    //now just add up array fields
    for (int i = start + size-1,j = size-1; j >= 0; –j, i–)
    //fprintf(stdout, “\ncycle: %d, memory: [%x]”, j, memory[i]);

    if ((unsigned char)memory[i] == 00 && j > 0)
    retVal <<= 8;
    retVal |= ((unsigned char)(memory[i]) << (8 * j));
    //get the next field after this one
    start += size;
    return retVal;


    fprintf(stdout, "\n[DWORD] LoaderFlag (zeroVal) :0x%08x", getValuePNTR(fileContent, readPointer, DWORD_L));

    • January 30, 2020 at 20:34

      This code automatically assumes the size of a unit of memory. The two assignments to retVal should replace 8 with sizeof(char). The function signature should also replace const char* with const unsigned char* for consistency and to allow you to remove the two unnecessary casts in the inner loop.


  3. jackson
    January 23, 2019 at 23:05

    So simple to understand the concept of left and right shifting now. Thanks! 😀

  4. mark
    July 23, 2017 at 08:39

    it helps me =) Thanks =)

  5. February 14, 2017 at 00:41

    Thank you! It was really helpful! 🙂

  6. Peter Harding
    December 4, 2016 at 04:50


  7. Jacek Rużyczka
    November 9, 2016 at 23:13

    Thank you for your hint! I’m currently struggling with the SPI interface of my Raspi and found out that the bit-endianness (MSB first vs. LSB first) was the problem, so I employed this algo to reverse all the data to get it LSB first: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2602823/in-c-c-whats-the-simplest-way-to-reverse-the-order-of-bits-in-a-byte

    To test this algo, I used your code snippet, and yaaaay, everything works just as it should! *_*

  8. Donald
    May 6, 2016 at 11:33

    Thanks that’s really useful.

  9. fdssdf
    March 13, 2016 at 13:37

    bitset obitset.h is not found when I compile

  10. sam
    February 16, 2016 at 13:11

    what do I do if I want to write these numbers in a text file??

  11. Theko
    December 10, 2014 at 06:13

    I have to say that I have been impressed. A very nice tip this page is.

  12. Perseus Zepos
    March 7, 2014 at 19:50

    I’m always dumping binary numbers, and bitset is much cleaner than the looping method. Very nice!

  1. June 21, 2023 at 08:37
  2. December 16, 2015 at 22:30
  3. August 25, 2014 at 05:33

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